Located in Chilliwack, BC, Pre-Construction Services specializes in the testing and removal of hazardous materials in residential and commercial buildings. Our services include; asbestos testing and removal, moderate and high risk abatement, attic vermiculite removal, mould and mildew remediation, cigarette and tobacco smoke damage, demolition management, civil construction and excavating, WorkSafeBC clearance letters, hazardous materials surveys (HMS reports), and more.
WorkSafeBC Compliance
Prior to renovating or demolishing a pre-1991 building, the owner (or builder) is legally obligated to retain a qualified person to perform a risk assessment and asbestos survey before conducting work where asbestos may be disturbed. Attempting to do this on your own is not only dangerous but could potentially end up costing you more than having it done by a professional. Ask questions and know your limitations.
Book a FREE Consultation with a Building Inspector! (604) 392-6476